On Wolfram Alpha and Cellular Automata

 When most computer users upload a profile image from their desktop to Facebook, they rarely consider the fundamental binary math rules underpinning digital devices. We know that 4 gigabytes of RAM is more memory than 512 megabytes, but we don't visualize the logic chips involved in an XOR $0x100, EAX operation for a 32-bit CISC processor.

Software developers must consider memory management and how a computer's operating system loads their programs into memory. However, they typically don't think about VHDL logic circuit designs, data paths, arithmetic logic units, or the millions of transistors comprising a modern CPU. These low-level details are intentionally abstracted away from the user application developer.

While modern CPUs have evolved dramatically over the past decade, early digital computing relied on simple Boolean operations. These fundamental rules were combined and replicated to load programs into memory and execute them. The principles controlling most digital devices are based on elementary Boolean rules. Cellular automata adopt a similar bottom-up approach, consisting of simple programs (as Stephen Wolfram calls them) that apply to a set of cells on a grid.



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