Simple Code Snippet: simple http client in common lisp (oriented for clisp)

One of my early tasks for every language I have worked with has always been to write a http client. An simple http client will simply send a GET/POST request to a web server and interpret some of the results. Here is some common lisp code to do just that. Once again, this uses more of a "procedural" style of programming as opposed to a real "lispy" one. I suggest investigating drakma from Dr. Weitz; he has a much more robust implementation. [1]

And don't worry, I expect Rainer to set me down the right path.


;; Author: Berlin Brown <berlin dot brown at>
;; Date: 6/6/2008
;; File: httpforum.lisp
;; ---------------------------
;; Short Description:
;; ---------------------------
;; Simple HTTP client for communicating with web forums.
;; Environment: Tested with GNU CLISP 2.44 (2008-02-02) Win32
;; Full Description:
;; ---------------------------
;; Approaching for posting to the forum:
;; ---------------------------
;; Posting to a forum is going to happen in three HTTP requests.
;; 1. Request the main page - open this page to get the cookie/session
;; 2. Request the POST page
;; 3. Using the POST HTTP request to transmit the data to the server7.
;; ---------------------------
;; Example 200 response from server:
;; (first request)
;; --------------------------
;; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
;; Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:51:09 GMT
;; Server: Apache 3
;; X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.3
;; Set-Cookie: SESSION=e7c1aefdb2c7137963a5ff94592f5f66; \
;; expires=Mon, 08 Jun 2009 17:51:09 GMT
;; Expires: Sat, 07 Jun 2008 17:51:09 +0000GMT
;; Last-Modified: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:51:09 +0000
;; Cache-Control: private
;; Connection: close
;; Transfer-Encoding: chunked
;; Content-Type: text/html
;; References:
;; [1]
;; [2]
;; [3]
;; [4]

(defparameter *DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_IE*
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1)")
(defparameter *DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_FF*
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/")

(defparameter *postdata-hash* nil)
(defparameter *postdata*
'(("username" "myuser")
("password" "mypwd")))

(defclass http-headers ()
; To access slots:
; (setf (http-status headers) 200)"
; (http-status headers)
((status :accessor http-status :initarg status :initform nil)
(status-code :accessor http-status-code :initarg status-code :initform -1)
(date :accessor http-date :initarg date :initform nil)
(server :accessor http-server :initarg server)
(cookie :accessor http-cookie :initarg cookie :initform nil)
(cookie-data :accessor http-cookie-data :initform nil)
(session :accessor http-session :initform nil)
(expires :accessor http-expires :initarg expires :initform nil)
(modified :accessor http-modified :initarg modified :initform nil)
(connection :accessor http-connection :initarg connection :initform nil)
(content :accessor http-content :initarg content)))

(defun join (lst)
"Using reduce to join, note O(n^2)
(with-output-to-string (stream) (dolist (string strings)
(write-string string stream)))"

(reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string x y)) lst))

(defun list->hash (lst hashdata)
"Convert key value list data into a hash table"
(dolist (key-val lst)
(setf (gethash (first key-val) hashdata)
(second key-val)))

(defun init-postdata ()
(load "")
(setf *postdata-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(list->hash *postdata* *postdata-hash*))

(defun print-hash-entry (key value)
(format t "key=~S | value=~S~%" key value))
(defun print-postdata->str (hash)
"Pretty print a hashmap of URL form POST data into
a list string data structure"

(with-hash-table-iterator (it hash)
(multiple-value-bind (entry-p key value) (it)
(if entry-p (print-hash-entry key value) (return))))))

(defun postdata->list (hash)
"Convert a hashmap of URL form POST data into a list string data structure"
(let ((lst nil))
(with-hash-table-iterator (it hash)
do (multiple-value-bind (entry-p key value) (it)
(if entry-p (setf
lst (cons (format nil "&~a=~a" key value) lst))
(return lst)))))))

(defun postdata->str (hash)
"Wrapper function, Convert a hashmap of URL form POST data into a string
for posting to the server"

(subseq (join (postdata->list *postdata-hash*)) 1))

(defmethod set-cookies ((headers http-headers))
" Create a hashtable data structure from the collection of cookies
expires=Mon, 08 Jun 2009 23:59:52 GMT"

(let* ((data-str (http-cookie headers))
(data-lst (split-by-one data-str #\;))
(tabl (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (key-val data-lst)
(let* ((kv (split-by-one key-val #\=))
(key (string-trim " " (first kv)))
(val (second kv)))
(setf (gethash key tabl) val)))
(setf (http-cookie-data headers) tabl)
(setf (http-session headers)
(gethash "SESSION" tabl))

(defun print-headers (headers)
"Pretty print the HTTP header information"
(format t "~%-----------------~%")
(format t " Status - ~a~%" (http-status headers))
(format t " Status Code - [~a]~%" (http-status-code headers))
(format t " Cookies - ~a~%" (http-cookie-data headers))
(format t " Session - ~a~%" (http-session headers))
(format t " Date - ~a~%" (http-date headers))
(format t " Server - [~a]~%" (http-server headers))
(format t " Expires - ~a~%" (http-expires headers))
(format t " Modified - ~a~%" (http-modified headers))
(format t " Connection - ~a~%" (http-connection headers))
(format t " Content - [~a]~%" (http-content headers))
(format t "-----------------~%") headers)

(defun join (lst)
"Using reduce to join, note O(n^2)
(with-output-to-string (stream) (dolist (string strings)
(write-string string stream)))"

(reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string x y)) lst))

(defun split-by-one (string delim)
"Returns a list of substrings of string
divided by ONE space each.
Note: Two consecutive spaces will be seen as
if there were an empty string between them."

(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position delim string :start i)
collect (subseq string i j)
while j))

(defun get-headers (data)
"Loop till we get all the header data. We are using a
bad approach to detect when to quit. Look for a zero length string"

for line in (split-by-one data #\Newline)
when (= (length line) 0)
return lines
collect line into lines
finally lines))

(defun header-data (line)
"Convert a header string into a simple data structure.
(list 'Header:' start-of-text-int)"

(let* ((lst (split-by-one line #\Space))
(header (first lst))
(pos (length header)))
(list header (1+ pos))))

(defun http-parse-headers (data)
"Parse the HTTP headers and a return a HTTP header data object"
(let ((headers (make-instance 'http-headers)))
(dolist (header-str (get-headers data))
(let* ((h (first (header-data header-str)))
(pos (second (header-data header-str)))
(htxt (subseq header-str pos)))
(cond ((string-equal "HTTP/1.1" h)
(setf (http-status headers) htxt)
(setf (http-status-code headers)
(funcall (lambda (str)
(first (split-by-one str #\Space)))
((string-equal "Date:" h)
(setf (http-date headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Server:" h)
(setf (http-server headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Set-Cookie:" h)
(setf (http-cookie headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Expires:" h)
(setf (http-expires headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Last-Modified:" h)
(setf (http-modified headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Connection:" h)
(setf (http-connection headers) htxt))
((string-equal "Content-Type:" h)
(setf (http-content headers) htxt)))))

(defun http-client-request (socket host page
&key (method "GET") (postmap nil))
"Send a valid http 1.1 request to the server"
(let* ((p (string-equal "POST" method))
(post-str (postdata->str postmap))
(post-len (if (and post-str p)
(length post-str) 0))
(content-type (when p
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded~%")))
(format socket "~a ~a HTTP/1.1~%" method page)
(format socket "Host: ~a~%" host)
(format socket "User-Agent: ~a~%" *DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_FF*)
(format socket "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.81~%")
(format socket "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.51~%")
(format socket "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate~%")
(format socket "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.71~%")
(format socket "Keep-Alive: 0~%")
(format socket "Connection: close~%")
(when p
(format socket "Content-Length: ~a~%" post-len)
(format socket content-type))
(format socket "Keep-Alive: 0~2%")
(when (and post-str p)
(format socket post-str))))

(defun http-connect (host page &optional (port 80)
&key (method "GET") (postmap nil))
"Use of common lisp keyword arguments [(defun i (&key x &key y) (list x y))]"
;; HTTP requires the :DOS line terminator
(with-open-stream (socket
(format t "~%###############~%")
(format t "INFO: Sending Request~%")
(format t "###############~%~%")
;; Print REQUEST data to file and to STDOUT
(http-client-request t host page
:method method :postmap postmap)
(ostream "request_data.log"
:direction :output
(http-client-request ostream host page
:method method :postmap postmap))
(format t "~%###############~%")
(http-client-request socket host page)
:for line = (read-line socket nil nil)
:while line
:collect (concatenate 'string line (string #\Newline)))))

(defun http-connect-data (host page &optional (port 80)
&key (method "GET") (postmap nil))
(join (http-connect host page port
:method method :postmap postmap)))

(defun http-main (host page &optional (port 80)
&key (method "GET") (postmap nil))
"Entry point for a HTTP get request, return the http header object"
(let* ((http-data (http-connect-data host page port
:method method :postmap postmap))
(headers (http-parse-headers http-data)))
(print http-data)
(print-headers (set-cookies headers))))

(defun main ()
"Main entry point for the application"
(format t "INFO: httpforum - connecting~%")
;;(print (http-main "localhost" "/test/index.jsp" 9080))
;; Post data from the file to localhost
;; post.php.
(print (http-main "localhost" "/fruit/post.php" 80
:method "POST" :postmap *postdata-hash*))
(format t "~%INFO: done~%"))

;; End of File


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