Octane Mech, OpenGL Haskell based mech game; early code and some haskell notes

I am in the initial design and some development of OctaneMech; as the title implies is a OpenGL Haskell based Mech (bot, tank mobile) game. An early goal is to recreate/port glAnts (mech game) to haskell http://glants.sourceforge.net/ On Haskell Haskell is a pure functional programming language where your primary view of your software is through the use of functions. In java or other objected oriented/imperative languages, you are looking at the lowest level components; in Haskell, you are able to concentrate on the operation a particular function is used for without focusing on the low-level details (step-by-step sequences) of the function. I won't now or probably in the future detail the power you are given with Haskell and I leave that up to you the reader. I will focus on how I am using Haskell to build my project. And this first entry will contain some simple Haskell snippets. Main Like other applications, a Haskell application begins with entry point definition main fu...