Basic word frequency analysis

Here are some interesting terms in the Democratic presidential debate from 2008: I believe we're at a defining moment in our history. Our nation is at war; our planet is in peril.... ------------------------------- Total Count of most terms : 9125 Interesting Word Freq Count: 1952 ------------------------------- id=1 ct=112(39.16%) term=think id=2 ct=101(35.31%) term=applause id=3 ct=97(33.92%) term=clinton id=4 ct=97(33.92%) term=people id=5 ct=85(29.72%) term=senator id=6 ct=66(23.08%) term=health id=7 ct=62(21.68%) term=obama id=8 ct=56(19.58%) term=care id=9 ct=56(19.58%) term=blitzer id=10 ct=47(16.43%) term=right id=11 ct=44(15.38%) term=president id=12 ct=40(13.99%) term=country id=13 ct=35(12.24%) term=make id=14 ct=34(11.89%) term=plan id=15 ct=32(11.19%) term=question id=16 ct=30(10.49%) term=believe id=17 ct=30(10.49%) term=important id=18 ct=28(9.79%) term=issue id=19 ct=28(9.79%) term=take id=20 ct=27(9.44%) term=time id=21 ct=26(9.09%) ...