DNA seen through the eyes of a coder, my take

Several years ago in 2008, a programmer researched DNA and how the cell works. He gave a software related analogy on how it operates. It was a great overview of the process with the biology language translated for engineers. I constantly thought about the article and wanted to add my own spin on it. The author didn't really do anything wrong, and it really is a great article, but I personally wish he would have given a one paragraph software analogy. (With the core content, I am not a scientist so I can't really refute his research). http://ds9a.nl/amazing-dna/ I enjoyed the last view paragraphs at the end, "Now, DNA is not like a computer programming language. It really isn't. But there are some whopping analogies. We can view each cell as a CPU, running its own kernel. Each cell has a copy of the entire kernel, but choses to activate only the relevant parts. Which modules or drivers it loads, so to speak. If a cell needs to do somethin...