Doing it wrong, fun with Clojure

I certainly take a liberal approach to programming, some may call it quantity over quality but I like to enjoy everything I do. This may include doing it wrong, but sometimes I like the end result. I am working on a SWT GUI tool and could not figure out a clean way to avoid SWT's illegal thread exceptions. When a user clicked a menu option on the gui, I needed to first take text from an edit box field and then use that data to pass to a long running thread. This is what I ended up with: ;; Define the clojure 'agent', save the state of our search box ( def *search-text-state* (agent nil)) ;; Define an implementation of 'SelectionAdapter/Interface' ;; SelectionAdapter requires one method 'widgetSelected' ;; With display.syncExec, pass an implementation of java.lang.Runnable ;; The thread updates the 'agent' search-text-state text. ;; After we get this text value, then launch another thread 'start-findgrep' ( def findgrep-listener (p...