Neophyte Scheme/Lisp Interpreter in Erlang

Overview This is a follow-up to my earlier entry on Lisp in Java; the entry described implementing a Lisp interpreter in Java. This blog posts covers implementing a similar approach using Erlang. In essence, a port of the JSceme interpreter to Erlang. So you can see compare and contrast the differences in Erlang and Java code. Like I always do, I am going to first introduce Erlang with simple examples and then go over the simple Lisp implementation. All of the source is provided at the end of the entry. What is Erlang? Erlang is a general purpose programming language that is great for writing concurrent applications and components. That is accomplished by some of the slimmed-down language features including immutable code, simple message passing primitives, and lightweight processes. It was created by Ericsson in 1987 and later open sourced in 1998. Erlang language syntax is based on Prolog. Why Erlang? I don't know why the software community can't accept another progr...