Simple lisp interpreters in C, Java and Erlang

Overview I have already covered the lisp interpreters in Erlang and Java. I have created another example that is based on C. So, you have three different implementations in three different languages. Also, these interpreters are based on Peter Norvig's JScheme implementation. That is a fourth project that you can compare and contrast. Peter Norvig created JScheme, a Lisp Scheme dialect written in Java. It was created in 1998 and it has since been forked, extended and used quite extensively in other modern projects for the web and elsewhere. The C lisp interpreter is based on the JScheme interpreter. The JScheme code is copyrighted to Peter Norvig This is only a modifications to make our Lisp even lighter than it was originally. Norvig's most recent implementation of JScheme contains 1905 lines of Java code. This implementation contains 2000 lines of C code wrapped in additional Javadoc comments, including implementations of list, hashtable datastructures. There is...