Factor screencast, take 2, basic Factor usage with the tty listener

(Image of the Factor UI, edited by Elie)

(Images taken from Elie's blog at http://fun-factor.blogspot.com/ he created them, I didn't)

The following screen cast was developed to show basic factor usage including analysis of the data stack, how one would go about looking up help on words, etc.

Also, working with the stack takes a little getting used to, that is why I went it over in the screencast. Elie has some great images that I want to show here of some basic operations. I go over a couple of them in the screencast.

"Let's take our rot example from above and practice it with the help of the illustration. Write 1 2 3 4 in your input area and hit Enter (the Return key) on your keyboard. You should see the start stack displayed in your stack area. Notice the position of the top and bottom of the stack in your stack display area. Now write "rot" (without the quotation marks) in your input area and hit Enter. You should see the rot stack displayed as above because the "rot" word caused the 3rd stack item to be moved to the top while the 1st and 2nd stack item were pushed down." -- quote from Elie's blog on stack manipulation

In the second video (part two), I demonstrate the new vocabulary modules for structuring your factor application and a short demo on what your code would look like in emacs.

Screencast (1)



This screen cast was created gtk-recordMyDesktop. And then encoded with mencoder (ffmpeg could also be used).

  • bbrown@houston:~/tmp/capture$ mencoder factorcaptureA.ogg.3 -o f4_part2.avi -ovc lavc -ss 09:58
  • bbrown@houston:~/tmp/capture$ ffmpeg -i factorcaptureA.ogg.3 -t 00:09:58 factorscreenlin1.avi


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