Botlist files and directory structure

I actually cleaned and removed some content from this file. But here is a list of all the files in the botlist J2EE web frontend. There is a still a whole project in the 'botlistprojects' that includes source for the backend.

Here is a cleaner version of this file.

|-- LICENSE.BOTLIST - Updated botlist license file
|-- LICENSE.TOMCAT - Tomcat license file (deprecated)
|-- README.txt - Quick start file and description of botlist project
|-- WEB-INF - J2EE web-inf configuration
| |-- applicationContext-acegi-security.xml - acegi spring configuration
| |-- - main database password spring settings and other path settings
| |-- botlistings-servlet.xml - main spring configuration for botlist
| |-- botlistutil.tld
| |-- classes
| | |-- Botlist.hbm.xml - Main botlist hibernate configuration, bean definitions, etc
| | |-- ehcache.xml - ehcache configuration
| | |-- hibernate.cfg.xml - hibernate configuration (includes Botlist.hbm.xml)
| | |-- - other misc hibernate settings
| | |-- - Botlist web application logging configuration
| | |--
| | `--
| |--
| |-- jsps
| | |-- INIT.jsp
| | |-- INIT.rb
| | |-- ajax
| | | |-- vote.jsp - jsp file for up / down voting ajax code
| | | `-- vote.rb -
| | |-- botlistadmin
| | | |-- accessDenied.jsp
| | | |-- acegilogin.jsp
| | | |-- home.jsp
| | | `-- secure
| | | |-- extreme
| | | | |-- docwrite
| | | | | |-- confirm.jsp
| | | | | `-- index.jsp
| | | | `-- index.jsp
| | | `-- index.jsp
| | |-- bots
| | |-- botverse
| | | |-- botverse.jsp - Main botverse view jsp link page, see /botlist/spring/botverse/botverse.html
| | | |-- botverse.rb - Controller and business logic for the botvere view page
| | | |-- botverse_confirm.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_submit.jsp - Allow users to submit user links
| | | |-- botverse_submit.rb
| | | |-- calendar
| | | | |-- botverse_calendar.jsp
| | | | `-- botverse_calendar.rb
| | | |-- group
| | | |-- linkaddcomment.jsp
| | | |-- linkaddcomment.rb
| | | |-- linkaddcomment_confirm.jsp
| | | |-- linkviewcomments.jsp
| | | |-- linkviewcomments.rb
| | | |-- rover - Remote/Peer api, library for remote clients to using a set of REST calls to submit new links
| | | | |-- botverse_rover.jsp
| | | | |-- botverse_rover.rb
| | | | |-- forum_rover.jsp
| | | | |-- forum_rover.rb
| | | | `-- rover_confirm.jsp
| | | |-- rss
| | | | |-- botverse_rss.jsp
| | | | `-- botverse_rss.rb
| | | `-- text
| | | |-- botverse_light.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_light.rb
| | | |-- botverse_text.jsp
| | | `-- botverse_text.rb
| | |-- chart
| | | `-- daily_chart.rb
| | |-- citylist.jsp
| | |-- citylist.rb
| | |-- contactemail.jsp
| | |-- contactemail.rb
| | |-- contactlisting.jsp
| | |-- contactlisting.rb
| | |-- create_listing.jsp
| | |-- create_listing.rb
| | |-- createconfirm.jsp
| | |-- default_footer.jsp
| | |-- errorInvalidView.jsp
| | |-- forums
| | | |-- comments
| | | | |-- topics.jsp
| | | | `-- topics.rb
| | | |-- forumaddtopic.jsp
| | | |-- forumaddtopic.rb
| | | |-- forumaddtopic_confirm.jsp
| | | |-- forums.jsp
| | | |-- forums.rb
| | | |-- forumviewtopic.jsp
| | | |-- forumviewtopic.rb
| | | |-- viewforums.jsp
| | | `-- viewforums.rb
| | |-- general - Partial include jsp files
| | | |-- botverse_calendar.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_incl
| | | | |-- botverse_default_meta.jsp
| | | | |-- botverse_index_sect.jsp
| | | | `-- botverse_index_sect_right.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_link_css.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_link_stat.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_navigation.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_profile_nav.jsp
| | | |-- command_profile_nav.jsp
| | | |-- default_doc_type.jsp
| | | |-- default_footer.jsp
| | | |-- default_includes.jsp
| | | |-- default_navigation.jsp
| | | |-- default_profile_nav.jsp
| | | |-- foaf_quick_navigation.jsp
| | | `-- forreg_profile_nav.jsp
| | |-- help
| | | |-- about.jsp
| | | |-- about.rb
| | | |-- contact.jsp
| | | |-- contact.rb
| | | |-- help.jsp
| | | |-- help.rb
| | | |-- source.jsp
| | | `-- source.rb
| | |-- include.jsp
| | |-- index.jsp
| | |-- invalid_page.jsp
| | |-- listings.jsp
| | |-- listings.rb
| | |-- mocktestslist
| | | |-- mocktest_listings.jsp
| | | |-- mocktest_listings.rb
| | | |-- mocktest_sections.jsp
| | | `-- mocktest_sections.rb
| | |-- newadmin
| | | |-- admin_confirm.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_editheadline.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_editheadline.rb
| | | `-- home.jsp
| | |-- pipes - Library for the developer api that can access botlist data
| | | |-- botverse_pipes.jsp
| | | |-- botverse_pipes.rb
| | | |-- global_pipes.jsp
| | | |-- global_pipes.rb
| | | |-- pipes.jsp
| | | |-- rdf.jsp
| | | |-- rdf_nutch.jsp
| | | |-- remotesync.jsp
| | | |-- remotesync.rb
| | | |-- remotesync_send.jsp
| | | |-- remotesync_send.rb
| | | |-- search_pipes.jsp
| | | |-- search_pipes.rb
| | | `-- sync_confirm.jsp
| | |-- profile
| | | |-- login.jsp
| | | |-- login.rb
| | | |-- loginconfirm.jsp
| | | |-- loginconfirm.rb
| | | |-- logout.jsp
| | | |-- logout.rb
| | | |-- overview.jsp
| | | |-- overview.rb
| | | |-- register.jsp
| | | |-- register.rb
| | | |-- registerconfirm.jsp
| | | |-- registerconfirm.rb
| | | |-- settings.jsp
| | | `-- settings.rb
| | |-- rss
| | | |-- listings_rss.jsp
| | | `-- listings_rss.rb
| | |-- search
| | | |-- addtopics.jsp
| | | |-- addtopics.rb
| | | |-- global.jsp
| | | |-- global_results.jsp
| | | |-- global_search.jsp
| | | |-- global_search.rb
| | | |-- invalidsearch.jsp
| | | |-- results.jsp
| | | |-- search.jsp
| | | |-- search.rb
| | | `-- text
| | | |-- search_textview.jsp
| | | `-- search_textview.rb
| | |-- sections.jsp
| | |-- sections.rb
| | |-- semantic
| | | `-- foaf
| | | |-- foaf.jsp
| | | `-- foaf.rb
| | |-- stats.jsp
| | |-- stats.rb
| | |-- viewlisting.jsp
| | `-- viewlisting.rb
| |-- lib - java and ruby libraries. Mostly jar files.
| | |-- README_FILES.txt
| | |-- acegi-security-1.0.6.jar
| | |-- ant-antlr.jar
| | |-- antlr-2.7.6.jar
| | |-- antlr-2.7.7.jar
| | |-- antlr-3.0.1.jar
| | |-- antlr-runtime-3.0.1.jar
| | |-- asm-2.2.3.jar
| | |-- asm-commons-2.2.3.jar
| | |-- backport-util-concurrent.jar
| | |-- bsf.jar
| | |-- c3p0-
| | |-- cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar
| | |-- commons-codec.jar
| | |-- commons-collections.jar
| | |-- commons-dbcp.jar
| | |-- commons-fileupload.jar
| | |-- commons-io.jar
| | |-- commons-logging.jar
| | |-- commons-pool.jar
| | |-- commons-validator.jar
| | |-- dom4j-1.6.1.jar
| | |-- ehcache-1.3.0.jar
| | |-- emma.jar
| | |-- emma_ant.jar
| | |-- hibernate-annotations.jar
| | |-- hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
| | |-- hibernate-entitymanager.jar
| | |-- hibernate3.jar
| | |-- jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar
| | |-- jarjar-0.7.jar
| | |-- jarjar.jar
| | |-- jcommon-1.0.9.jar
| | |-- jfreechart-1.0.5.jar
| | |-- jline-0.9.91.jar
| | |-- jruby-openssl.jar
| | |-- jruby.jar
| | |-- jstl.jar
| | |-- jta.jar
| | |-- junit.jar
| | |-- lift-core-0.6.jar
| | |-- log4j-1.2.14.jar
| | |-- lucene-core-2.1.0.jar
| | |-- mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar
| | |-- plaincharset.jar
| | |-- ruby
| | | |-- actions
| | | | |-- core_users.rb
| | | | `-- group_links.rb
| | | |-- rspec
| | | |-- util
| | | | |-- botlist_core.rb
| | | | `-- chart_graphics.rb
| | | `-- web
| | | |-- entity_links.rb
| | | |-- users.rb
| | | `-- web_core.rb
| | |-- scala-library-2.7.0.jar
| | |-- spring-beans.jar
| | |-- spring-core.jar
| | |-- spring-jdbc.jar
| | |-- spring-test.jar
| | |-- spring-web.jar
| | |-- spring-webmvc.jar
| | |-- spring.jar
| | |-- sqlitejdbc-v037-nested.jar
| | |-- standard.jar
| | |-- stringtemplate-3.1b1.jar
| | |-- taglibs-datetime.jar
| | |-- taglibs-request.jar
| | `-- taglibs-string.jar



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