
Showing posts from March, 2008

I agree with Stallman and all my software is "free" software I don't know why I have "never" wanted to write "commercial" software on my own. All of my software that I have created has been "free" software. It almost seems innate that software should thrive that way. "Stallman: No. I’m just insisting on freedom for computer users. Although I sympathize with a programmer’s wish to make more money, that is not as important as respecting other people’s freedom. In fact, developing a non-free program is an attack on society, and I hope that you will not be able to do it." I completely agree with Richard Stallman on this.

ANN: google-code project releases (haskell, erlang, jvm source and more)

I finally had a chance to review my projects on google code and setup downloadable releases: Here are the projects descriptions and downloads: The Haskell Notebook (another Haskell Cookbook) contains some common and not so common Haskell programming idioms that are contained in a collection of working/compilable examples. There is also a collection of source code from other functional programming languages including Lisp and Erlang. This project is similar to other cookbook projects that you may find on the web for various other programming languages. Compiling the Source If you are attempting to compile the source, you should be able to do the following assuming that you have the Glasgow Haskell Compiler installed. In the event that you copied the code from one of the wiki pages and you receive an error, check the subversion repository or downloads for a mirror of the wiki example (the formatting on the wiki may have caused the issue). gh...

A developer's view of the world (my office)


The FBI has gone too far Everyone has had it happen to them: a "friend" sends you a link in IM or over IRC that purports to be something like a cat in an awkward position with a hilarious caption. Soon, however, you discover that the link wasn't to a lolcat at all; instead, you've been Rick Rolled—or even worse, sent to 2girls1cup (find it on your own, but be warned: it may scar you for life). These pranks are commonplace now, but be careful of what you click on and from whom. If that link points to anything even pretending to be child porn, that's enough evidence for the FBI of intent to download it. The authorities could then raid your home and possibly throw you in jail.

Domain name change: is still active, but I will be using

glAnts revived in screen capture video

I was able to actually play glAnts. I played it in Wine under linux. It rant at 300 fps. The windows-windows version ran at 30fps. I didn't run the newer "linux" source. I compiled but it didn't run. Well, here is the video if you are interested. glAnts project A description of the demo and other older code from my 2000-2003 years. Descr: The video, 20MB of my little game. The 2D one was better.

My top 35 anime review list as an Amazon List

Enjoy. I have been wanting to compile this list for a while. This list will keep you busy for a couple of months or so. I still have about 40-50 more I can add to the set.

Working on my thesis

Details pending. But I am working on my thesis.

ANN: botlist - added foaf application/repository on botlist

Now you can store profiles. Eventually the crawler will index the "friends" on a particular profile.

Good research site Cogsci

Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence

The computer science field of Artificial Intelligence has sparked a lot of interest yet hasn't really turned up many visible products. There are a lot of projects out there and I don't want to even attempt to minimize the amount of effort that has been spent on AI research, but by and large there aren't many visible "AI" companies or tools that we use regularly. A large part of that has to do with the confusion of what AI is? What does artificial "intelligence" mean? I know about programming language research. The goal there is to create expressive, productive programming languages. Systems research centers around operating systems, distributed systems, fault tolerance and other similar areas. But AI could mean different things to different people. Change the Vocabulary My suggestion is to do away with the term AI all together. It is not useful, even at a high-level. Modern software is pretty "intelligent". That is the goal of most so...

Botlist files and directory structure

I actually cleaned and removed some content from this file. But here is a list of all the files in the botlist J2EE web frontend. There is a still a whole project in the 'botlistprojects' that includes source for the backend. Here is a cleaner version of this file. |-- LICENSE.BOTLIST - Updated botlist license file |-- LICENSE.TOMCAT - Tomcat license file (deprecated) |-- README.txt - Quick start file and description of botlist project |-- WEB-INF - J2EE web-inf configuration | |-- applicationContext-acegi-security.xml - acegi spring configuration | |-- - main database password spring settings and other path settings | |-- botlistings-servlet.xml - main spring configuration for botlist | |-- botlistutil.tld | |-- classes | | |-- Botlist.hbm.xml - Main botlist hibernate configuration, bean definitions, etc | | |-- ehcache.xml - ehcache configuration...

ANN: botlist - core libraries all updated

The core libraries for botlist have been updated: Upgraded to: - Spring 2.5.2 ( - Hibernate 3.2.6 ( - ANTLR 2.7.6 ( - JRuby 1.0.3 (

Small changes, new botlist look


Yet another simple server in erlang, also a look at use of eunit test framework

The diagram above depicts my simple architecture for an Erlang server and library that responds to various client character requests. You should already be familiar with some of Erlang's advantages and know that the strength of Erlang is its lightweight parallel process/thread management and network programming. Not to mention, it is not a bad easy to learn, general purpose functional programming language. Starting the server: The following set of instructions are used to start the server and two processes are created. The first is a simple one that waits for incoming requests from the server middleware piece. %% Simple functional test for the server library simple_server_lib () -> io:format( "starting server <with server library support>~n" ), AppHandler = start(), io:format( "trace: top-level app handler~p~n" , [ AppHandler ]), Client = # irc_server_info {app_handler= AppHandler }, ServStart = server_lib:start_link( Client ),...

Laughing man project; first version of IRC library in erlang

No bot/agent system would be complete without an IRC bot agent. This is the skeleton version of the botlist-laughingman IRC bot. It is a basic Erlang IRC bot right now. It could work as a good skeleton. Current features. * Works with current releases of erlang (as of 3/1/2008) * Skeleton library based on the orbitz bot * Simple functions include sending messages to the channel, printing the messages, etc. To compile use the makefile 'make tests' and make sure you have erlang installed. Possible eunit for the unit tests. Based on: