
Showing posts from April, 2009

Scala Syntax Highlighter For Eclipse

A Light Eclipse Plugin for the Scala Programming Language This Eclipse plugin provides syntax highlighting for the Scala programming language. At present, the plugin only supports syntax-highlighting. The highlighting style is similar to the default Java style for Eclipse. Last Tested on WindowsXP, Java 1.5, Eclipse 3.4.2 (As of 4/24/2009) ----

Chris McKinstry: And now for the movie "The Man Behind the Curtain is a documentary exploring the troubled mind and tumultuous life of artificial intelligence and cognitive science researcher Chris McKinstry. Plagued with mental instability, Chris left in his wake a swath of broken relationships and public suicide attempts, ultimately culminating in an online forum post detailing his last moments."

Java Genetic Algorithms Package(JGAP) and Scala

This is example source for a non-idiomatic example with JGap and Scala. The goal of this code is to give an input amount of change, say 30 cents and let the program calculate the least number of American coins. This is mostly a source example, there are some resources for learning Scala and JGap in the resources section at the bottom of this blog entry. [java] Running Make Change [java] Input amount of change => 30 [java] Total evolution time: 2661 ms [java] The best solution has a fitness value of 296.0 [java] It contained the following: [java] 1 quarters. [java] 0 dimes. [java] 1 nickels. [java] 0 pennies. [java] Done On Scala and JGap: "Scala goes further than all other well-known languages in fusing object- oriented and functional programming into a uniform language design. In addition to being a pure object-oriented language, Scala is also a full-blown functional language." -- Programming in Scala Book "JGap p...

Google AppEngine Next language - Java "Today, we're very excited to announce the availability of a new programming language for Google App Engine. Please welcome the Java runtime!"

My set of buzzwords and things I want to learn over the next 6 months or year

1. drools 2. genetic algorithms 3. jquery - for client side web development 4. ajax - for client side web development 5. gwt - for client side web development 6. better software engineering practices 7. better TDD 8. emacs-lisp - better emacs support 9. factor - amazing technology 10. gnu forth - great skill to learn 11. spring-framework - enterprise java development 12. scala - 13. haskell - great language to learn 14. mono - enterprise .net development on linux 15. cocoa - for mac gui development 16. statistics 17. boolean algebra

Practical Clojure with SWT, JUnit and Spring

Date: Mon Apr 06 13:56:55 EDT 2009 The following entry describes a practical approach for using the Clojure programming language. Clojure is a new lisp dialect that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It has a lot of syntatic sugar of other Lisp languages but can also be used interoperate with existing Java libraries. This entry describes how to build a simple test helper GUI application that launches a script to compile your tests, run your tests and also runs Java's hprof and verbose garbage collection statistics. I have always had trouble compiling, launching and manipulating a collection of test scripts. By using clojure and this tool, I can quickly launch of series of tests without having to visit the command line. In reality, this test only LAUNCHES a script that then launches the actual test main application. So, the GUI application only acts as a facility for launching other processes. In our case, the processes are the Clojure test suites. The hprof and verbosegc com...