Date: Mon Apr 06 13:56:55 EDT 2009 The following entry describes a practical approach for using the Clojure programming language. Clojure is a new lisp dialect that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It has a lot of syntatic sugar of other Lisp languages but can also be used interoperate with existing Java libraries. This entry describes how to build a simple test helper GUI application that launches a script to compile your tests, run your tests and also runs Java's hprof and verbose garbage collection statistics. I have always had trouble compiling, launching and manipulating a collection of test scripts. By using clojure and this tool, I can quickly launch of series of tests without having to visit the command line. In reality, this test only LAUNCHES a script that then launches the actual test main application. So, the GUI application only acts as a facility for launching other processes. In our case, the processes are the Clojure test suites. The hprof and verbosegc com...