Practical AI: Using ProgramD AIML platform
Using ProgramD AIML bot as a personal assistant Introduction ¶ ProgramD is a fully functional AIML bot engine that is implemented with Java. It supports multiple bots, it is easy to configure and runs in a GUI application and also under a J2EE environment. AIML, or Artificial Intelligence Markup Language, is an XML dialect for creating natural language software agents. When the AIML markup language is loaded for your bot, then you chat with the bot. Once you become familiar with the AIML format, you can then build a simple personal assistant bot. For Java developers, you may add Java keyword definitions or links to useful resources. Quickstart ¶ To use ProgramD, you can use the mirrored binary/source version provided on this site (programd .zip) or visit The version on this site includes jetty webserver configured with a programd web application. Launch the GUI application ¶ Navigate to: the HOME\bin direct...