
Showing posts from February, 2010

AI Notebook - AI and Tron Bot

Java OpenGL and the Google AI Tron Bot Challenge. The Challenge Google and the University of Waterloo a Computer Science Club (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) have created an AI challenge. This is more algorithm AI and not Turing Strong AI. "The objective is to create an AI to play the classic game Tron, Surround, Snafu, Snake, etc." You must submit your entry by Feb 26th, 2010. Imagine Tron, there are two opposing players on a N x N (say 50x50) grid and the goal is to trap the other player. The players can move north, south, east, west in the adjacent squares but into a wall or the other player's previously occupied squares. I thought I would try my hand at the challenge. I was actually quite pleased with their handling on the contest. There are normally about 600+ active bots in the challenge. The website provides great stats on how your bot is doing. There is a graph with wins and losses and a javascript application that can replay any game. I really didn't want to talk...