J2EE/Java Grips 1: Websphere is garbage, OMFG 1
I was debugging a websphere/RAD issue, thinking that maybe I had messed up a configuration way down in the cellar of RAD's infinite supply of configurations. Maybe the flux-capacitor node mx3e cell.xml missed the rptptppt_Vn_ setting. No my friends, RAD seemed to have bombed on a missing servlet tag in the web.xml. NPE, NullPointer on not having the most basic setting in a J2EE app. Don't get me wrong, a developer should have the setting, but something more helpful like 'You are missing your servlet mapping' would have been helpful. here is the configuration and the error. < servlet-mapping > < servlet-name >OnlineServlet</ servlet-name > < url-pattern >/OnlineServlet</ url-pattern > </ servlet-mapping > ------ [ 1/26/09 23:30:14:166 EST ] 00000047 SystemOut O Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.webapp.WebAppConfigurationHelper.constructServletMappings(WebAppCo...